How to add a ShoutMix chat to Blogger Blog

ShoutMix chat is a useful shoutbox tool that allows your visitors chat with you on your blog.

Here are simple steps to add a shout mix chat to your Blogger Blog.

Step 1: Go to ShoutMix home page
Visit ShoutMix home page at this address:

Step 2: Create a ShoutMix chat account
Click the 'create shoutbox' button on the home page.
Then the sign up page appears. Fill in the necessary information.

Step 3: Get code
Click 'Get codes' link under Quick start tab in the shout mix chat home page after finishing creating a shout mix chat account.

Copy the generated code.
Step 4: Add ShoutMix chat gadget to your blog
  • Sign in to your Google Blog and go to the dashboard.
  • Choose Design / Page Elements / Add a Gadget. In basic category, choose HTML-Javascript gadget.
  • Paste the code generated by ShoutMix (in step 3 above) to the content. Add a "Shout Box" title or something like that if you want. Press Save button.
  • Now you have successfully added a shout box to your Blog!

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I am a software developer with roughly 5 years of experience in developing end-to-end solutions in C#, Java, C/C++, PHP and HTML/CSS/Javascript. At the moment, I am joining the Professional Doctorate in Engineering degree program in Software Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. My areas of particular interest include software design, data structures and algorithms, problem solving, software security, embedded system, machine learning, and data science.