How to connect to fingerprint devices using zkeemkeeper.dll

When you buy a finger scanning machine to construct a time and attendance system, you may already be provided with the ‘Standalone development for ZKEMSDK’ (i.e. ZkemKeeper.dll). This tutorial will describe how to see check if your purchased device is actually connected to your .NET software system via TCP/IP protocol. 

First of all, you need to go to your machine’s user manual to see how to set the IP of the scanning machine. Then you can ping your machine’s IP to see if it exists in your LAN.

Next, you need to copy all the .dll files in your SDK directory to the your windows system32 folder. Click start -> run. Type cmd in the open dialog. Change the directory to your windows system32 folder in the command prompt. Type regsvr32 Zkemkeeper.dll to register your dll. There will be a successful notice appearing in the screen.

To add a reference to your zkemkeeper.dll, right click the ‘Reference’ node under your time and attendance project node inside the solution explorer window. Click the ‘Add Reference’ menu. In the new pop up window, under COM tab loate and select the ‘ZKEMKeeper6.0 Control’. Click the ‘OK’ button.

Declare your connection object as the following code.
private zkemkeeper.CZKEM machineObj;
machineObj = new zkemkeeper.CZKEM();
In the click event of the ‘Test connection’ button, add the following code.

bool status = false;
status = machineObj.Connect_Net(ip_address, 4370);

if (status) {
    MessageBox.Show("Connect to machine successfully");

else {
    // Connection errors occur


omar ezzat said...

the successful massage didn't appear

omar ezzat said...

the successful massage didn't appear

Unknown said...

Thank you Very much

serenians said...

how to connect to device if device is protected with password

Unknown said...

how to retrieve data from biometrics using Zkemkeeper.dll?

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I am a software developer with roughly 5 years of experience in developing end-to-end solutions in C#, Java, C/C++, PHP and HTML/CSS/Javascript. At the moment, I am joining the Professional Doctorate in Engineering degree program in Software Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. My areas of particular interest include software design, data structures and algorithms, problem solving, software security, embedded system, machine learning, and data science.