Gstreamer-1.0 error with GstElementFactory

When I tried the Basic tutorial 6: Media formats and Pad Capabilities of GStreamer, I found this error: Error invalid use of incomplete type 'GstElementFactory {aka struct _GstElementFactory}'.

How to use CxxTest in your raspberryPI

Install CxxTest in your raspberryPI is fairly easy as you will just need to download the source code and then use the script: cxxtestgen to generate a .cpp file and then compile this file.

Error when load zkeemkeeper dll in Windows 7 64 bit

When using zkemkeeper.dll winthin a human resource management application to interact with finger print machine like U160 Ronal Jack, you may run into an error of running your human resource management application in Windows 7 64-bit although you have registered the zkeemkeeper.dll into windows\sysWOW64 folder via 32-bit version regsrv32 file. The error contains something like: “Retrieving the COM class factory for component …..”

How to create a SQL Server 2005 timestamp field using datetime field type

A column with timestamp field type is useful to record user activity. However, as timestamp values are binary numbers it is difficult to compare with other datetime values.

How to deploy ASP.NET website in IIS 5.1

1. Registering the ASP.NET file mapping.
If you install the .NET framework before IIS, the ASP.NET run time does not recognize your ASP.NET application and will just leave everything alone and pass the raw text to the browser. 

You can use the ASP.NET registration tool (i.e. aspnet_regiis.exe command-line utility) with the -i or –s command-line parameter to make IIS recognize the ASP.NET file types: 

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I am a software developer with roughly 5 years of experience in developing end-to-end solutions in C#, Java, C/C++, PHP and HTML/CSS/Javascript. At the moment, I am joining the Professional Doctorate in Engineering degree program in Software Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. My areas of particular interest include software design, data structures and algorithms, problem solving, software security, embedded system, machine learning, and data science.